Arts Based Research
What is arts-based research? What is the relationship between art and the pursuit of knowledge? How do the arts help us conceptualize research in ways that are transparent, public, and reflexive? Can the arts inspire methods and research practices that are inclusive, equitable, and ethical? In this course our community of learners will explore these questions, while developing a framework and mentoring relationships for conducting research projects informed by the arts.
Visual Arts I
Introduces students to visual arts education in the 21st century P-12 with the focus on teaching visual arts as meaning making. This inquiry-based course integrates lecture and lab (field experience). The lecture portion guides students' exploration of contemporary pedagogical and visual arts concepts and the ways they can interrelate to cultivate the whole child/adolescent, advancing both visual literacy and life literacy in the process. Readings, class discussions, technological presentations, and writing projects address important content, including instructional strategies, lesson and unit planning, assessment, and influencing social-emotional learning (classroom environment).
Dance in the City
This course is an exploration of the multiple facets of dance in Cincinnati, including classical ballet, ballroom dance, contemporary dance, hip hop, Latin Dance, and beyond. Students will become familiar with the history of dance, read ethnographic accounts, and dance criticism, as well as interview local dancers and choreographers to better appreciate this ancient and complex art form. From observing to taking classes, attending performances to writing criticism, interviewing dancers to documenting their experiences, and creating dance studies, this course will raise awareness about the integral role of dance in our city and beyond.
Collaborative Dance Project Spring 2020